Editorial Design
For this brief I worked collaboratively with Bristol based travel and lifestyle magazine 'Ernest Journal' reproducing a spread from one of their publications in accordance with their brand guidelines.
Ernest journal
My design is based on a part of wales called snowdonia, this is a natural wonder of wales, snowdonia has many great landscapes as well as stunning wildlife and old derelict buildings and mines. While reading the article I found myself on a journey with the writer as they embark on hike through the mountains.E I wanted to incorporate this in my design. I wanted to achieve this by cleverly placing images throughout the magazine, to seem as though the reader would be taking walk with the writer as they climb up the mountains of snowdonia. At the start of the article I would use images that are at ground level, this would give the feel of being down the bottom of the mountain, as the magazine would progress I would use images that are related to climbing such as vertical slopes and trails. As I read through the magazine, I also noticed the writer explained a lot about the abandoned slate mines, this was something that I immediately took interest in, I thought about how the slate would look as it sat abandoned. With this in mind I wanted to incorporate slight shadows in my design as well as overlapping some of the images, I didn’t want this to be my main focus but to have slight references to the slate throughout the magazine but using related images also. I wanted the magazine to have a light and airy feel to it, by using natural and soft colours which would be naturally found in snowdonia, and the time the images were taken, like bright greens, browns and blues to show plant growth and water.

Elbow grease
My design for Elbow grease is based on social media activism. As I read through the article there was a sense of the general public using social media to exploit bad things that has happened in the world by doing this the person would be a great sense of well-being, but in reality, I feel it’s just a case of illusion of helping, and it’s not doing much to support the cause. There is a sense of people trying to be in the limelight but having no Significant input towards helping, by using images that represent protest and people trying to stand up and be noticed. I have used illustrations of a viewfinder which what you would see if you were looking through the eyes of a camera. I have used this to show that people who use social media as a form of activism is more of a feeling of trying to be noticed.

Destiny beginners guild booklet